Monday, May 18, 2009

Airing the tires

Airing the tires - The act of drilling a 1/8" hole in the tire rim to let the stock and after-market tires inflate and deflate naturally while driving. Keep in mind that the 1/10th scale RC car of today are light enough that their tires don't need air inside to remain "inflated". ProLine as well as other tire manufacturers will sometimes provide foam inserts on softer compound tires to give the tire extra body and shape. That said the Stock Stampede Terra tires are more than stiff enough to run without foam inserts. Why air the tires? Airing makes a huge difference in overall traction, flat prevention (via suction), and allows the tires and suspension to do their jobs (i.e. absorb shock and keep contact with the driving surface). The stock rims are sealed and make the Stampede a little bouncy and can take minutes-hours rather than fractions of a second to re-inflate after hitting a harder object. Thumpa, Thumpa, Thumpa. Drill a 1/8" hole on the back inside of the rim, behind one of the rim's spokes (so you can't see it when the wheel is installed). Try to center the hole as much as possible on the rim. Be careful not to drill through the tire. This entire process should take about 30 minutes with removal and re-installation of the wheels.

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