Monday, May 18, 2009

The M'Troniks Sonik4 RV Max 8 turn limit ESC - It's waterproof!!! and a WARNING - IT SUCKS!

The M'Troniks Sonik4 RV Max 8 turn limit ESC - It's waterproof!!! and a WARNING - IT SUCKS!


UPDATE 3-6-2006 - I killed the bulk of this review on this due to the fact I think the design of this ESC is/was defective based on the info I was able to find as well as my experiences. Due to that fact I though the review was simply a waste of space so I trashed it.

The Cliff Notes version is that I blew two, count them two esc's also noting everyone with this ESC has had the exact same problem. It would run then smoke like a smoke bomb. In the end I bought a Novac Rooster which I love.


I ended up swapping for a Novak Rooster (the regular version) which at this point I am very happy with. The only exception being that I really like to get out in the wet and snowy stuff and that Novak is pretty allergic to moisture so I now have a sunny day only toy unless I again venture into another waterproofing project. were REALLY good about taking everything back twice without any questions, then again I was honest about what happened and judging from the mass of problems similar to mine with the Mtroniks RV Max 8 Turn ESC, I would think that they know there is a design flaw in there somewhere at fault.

Lesson - sometimes the newest thing out there that no one has tested yet isn't the best option. So much for being the pioneer.

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